Wednesday, June 25

Week 2 of Tori and Dean

I hate to admit that I almost missed last night's episode! I was so focused on designing blog headings that I forgot all about it! Gasp..... However, being the faithful fan that I am, I watched the 2 a.m. showing. Now that's being a loyal fan!

This week's episode was a bit ironic. Dean has become obsessed with scuba diving. Tori learns that his scuba instructor is young and really cute. She begins to worry. The ironic part is that if you know the history of these two you'd know that: 1) They were both married when they met each other, 2)They cheated on their spouses with each other and eventually left them and married. Last night Tori realized that if Dean would cheat with her then he could possibly cheat on her. (Which I fully believe!) Tori decides to tag along on a scuba trip to catch the alleged flirting and sure enough, they're flirting up a storm! All of this is going on on top of the fact that they have only a month to find a new house, buy it, and move in! The drama is getting good! Tune in next week for more on Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood!

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