Wednesday, April 22

Mother Earth and Father Time

My Space Or Yours?.net

Please be kind to Mother Earth! I received a free Wal-Mart green bag today and I'm actually going to start using it rather than plastic bags! Hmmm..... I may have caught the green bug!

Why can't I catch the green thumb? =) I have an update on my tomato plant that is guranteed to make you smile! Stay tuned!

Check back tomorrow for my post on "Gardening with Kindergartners" for Earth Day - trust me, you won't want to miss it! Complete with pics and all!

On a side note: Father Time- please let the next 26 days of work go by fast! Better yet, please let the next 3 months and 2 weeks fly by! May I wake up tomorrow and it be August!

Sunday, April 12

Happy Easter

My Space Or Yours?.net

Take time to remember what this day is really about....

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His resurrection are the two most important events in human history. Why is this so? Because of Jesus' death, the human race has the opportunity for eternal salvation.

All four of the New Testament Gospels talk of the crucifixion of Christ. These authors give us graphic accounts of the ancient Roman practice. Here are some main points in the crucifixion timeline:

  • Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:43-52).
  • Jesus endured six trials - three by Jewish leaders and three by the Romans (John 18:12-14, Mark 14:53-65, Mark 15:1a, Mark 15: 1b-5, Luke 23:6-12, Mark 15:6-15) Jesus survived painful beating, whipping, and mocking (Mark 15:16-20)
  • Pilate tried to compromise with the religious leaders by having Jesus beaten, but this act didn't satisfy them. Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified (Mark 15:6-15)
  • Jesus was mocked by the soldiers as they dressed Him in a purple robe and a crown of thorns (John 19:1-3)
  • Jesus was crucified on Golgatha, which means the Place of the Skull (Mark 15:22) The sky turned dark for three hours (Mark 15:33).
  • Jesus cried, "Father! Into your hands I commit my spirit!" and He died (Luke 23:46).

Following the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Joseph was given permission to bury Jesus, so he brought fine linen, wrapped the body, laid Jesus in a tomb and rolled a large stone across the entrance. Jesus was in the grave for three days. After the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of Jesus), and Salome prepared spices to anoint Jesus' body. When they arrived at the tomb, the stone had already been rolled away! They entered the tomb, where an angel said, "Don't be alarmed. . .You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you'" (Mark 16:6-7).

What does the crucifixion of Jesus Christ have to do with you? God, who knows what you're are made of, knew you could not live the sinless life necessary for heaven. So He decided to offer Himself in your place. He did that by becoming a man in the person of Jesus Christ, His own Son. Jesus lived a sinless life on earth.

God had said the punishment for sin is death. Since we all have sinned (Romans 3:23, 6:23), we needed someone sinless to die in our place. Jesus, being sinless, died in our place and became the saving grace of the world. He died for you! Romans 5:10 says, "For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!"

The Bible says, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. . ." (Acts 16:31). Attending church or performing good works will not contribute to your salvation. God saves you by His grace.

Jesus is offering you the gift of eternal life. Will you accept it by faith?

One of my favorite things to do on Easter is to watch The Passion Of The Christ.
Here's a preview of the movie.... if you haven't seen it- today's a great to do so!

Saturday, April 11

Well, Good Morning To Me

Please read this with sympathy in your hearts........
My husband couldn't help it.... he laughed till he hurt.

My faithful readers know that I've had a time trying to grow tomato plants. Well, this year I tried it again (see previous blog). I've babied these plants to no end! When it frosted I covered them up, I've watered them twice a day, used Miracle Grow.... the whole sha-bang!

This morning I went to check on my prized tomato plants and found this......
Obviously something had a hay day in my tomato pot! Awww..... poor things!

I will admit- I cried!

If you look really closely at the bottom on the picture, you can see where one tomato plant is crumpled up in the dirt! Another plant is hanging out of the pot.... and I still haven't found the third one!

Alas, there may still be hope! I had one plant in another pot ( I guess it was a bit too high for Mister Do-A-Jig-In-People's-Tomato-Plant-Pots to get to.) I just hope my last surviving one doesn't also fall under attack by the two-stepper!

Dear Paula Deen,
If by chance you happen to read this, know that I've tried with all of my might to grow tomato plants! And yes, I will persevere, and try again....... next year! No, I change my mind! I'm going to replant again tomorrow! This time I'll make sure that Mister Do-A-Jig-In-People's-Tomato-Plant-Pots can't get to them!
Feel free to send me your advice!

Your Fan,
Mrs. I Will Never Be Able To Grow Tomato Plants

Dear Mister Do-A-Jig-In-People's-Tomato-Plant-Pots,
I'll be waiting!

Your Sworn Enemy,
Two-Stepper Stomper!

Saturday, April 4

This One Is For My Love

Happy Birthday to my spectacular husband- Honeydo!

Today my sweet Honeydo turns 31! Last year, to ease the blow of turning thirty, I told him that being thirty isn't as bad as being 'in your thirties'! Well, he's now officially 'in his thirties'! ;)

I always make him a birthday cake, but today we're spending the day at the races ~of course! So, instead of having him blow out his candles on a cake, I he blew them out on pancakes! We started a Saturday morning tradition a few weeks after we were married~ every Saturday morning I make pancakes.
Here's a picture of his surprise pancake-birthday cake!

Last year I threw him a HUGE surprise 30th birthday party! It was so much fun. This year we're just spending the day together- just the two of us!

Tonight I'm taking him out to dinner at Outback - his favorite- and then to see the new Fast and Furious movie. So today is all about racing, racing, racing!

Happy Birthday Honeydo!
I couldn't ask for a better husband!