Saturday, April 11

Well, Good Morning To Me

Please read this with sympathy in your hearts........
My husband couldn't help it.... he laughed till he hurt.

My faithful readers know that I've had a time trying to grow tomato plants. Well, this year I tried it again (see previous blog). I've babied these plants to no end! When it frosted I covered them up, I've watered them twice a day, used Miracle Grow.... the whole sha-bang!

This morning I went to check on my prized tomato plants and found this......
Obviously something had a hay day in my tomato pot! Awww..... poor things!

I will admit- I cried!

If you look really closely at the bottom on the picture, you can see where one tomato plant is crumpled up in the dirt! Another plant is hanging out of the pot.... and I still haven't found the third one!

Alas, there may still be hope! I had one plant in another pot ( I guess it was a bit too high for Mister Do-A-Jig-In-People's-Tomato-Plant-Pots to get to.) I just hope my last surviving one doesn't also fall under attack by the two-stepper!

Dear Paula Deen,
If by chance you happen to read this, know that I've tried with all of my might to grow tomato plants! And yes, I will persevere, and try again....... next year! No, I change my mind! I'm going to replant again tomorrow! This time I'll make sure that Mister Do-A-Jig-In-People's-Tomato-Plant-Pots can't get to them!
Feel free to send me your advice!

Your Fan,
Mrs. I Will Never Be Able To Grow Tomato Plants

Dear Mister Do-A-Jig-In-People's-Tomato-Plant-Pots,
I'll be waiting!

Your Sworn Enemy,
Two-Stepper Stomper!


Blasé said...

We all cry over different things. As for me, I cry when I can't find that ONE sock.

Next time me and the wife sees Paula at another book signing...I'll be sure to pass your concern about tomatoes to her.

{Amanda} said...

ohhh sadness! I've seen people put chicken wire around their plants- I thought it was for the vines to climb but maybe it's to keep critters out too?

well I'm curious as to what you're posting next about the tomato plants...