Sunday, January 2


My family and I have been dreading this day for a while. My brother is being deployed for his first tour in Afghanistan. I felt so sick this morning. I've been praying for strength and peace to make it through today. On my way to meet my Dad, Kris, and Josh I called my pastor and prayed with him. I also called several of my prayer warrior friends and asked them to send up prayers on our behalf.

We had a good drive to Mobile. We stopped and ate at Waffle House. It was hard not to cry. We dropped him off and it was so sad. We watched him pack up some of his stuff. Then, we huddled around and prayed over him, said our good byes, and shed many tears.

There are simply no words to describe this.
Packing up
Dad saying his good-byes.

Saturday, January 1


Last night while counting down the minutes until 2011, my husband and I picked three resolutions we wanted to stick to and then shared our picks with each other. I thought it was neat that we both had pretty much the same 3 resolutions. So, here they are:

1. Allow ourselves to be all consumed by God. Yes, we are both believers. Yes, we go to church. Yes, we study our Bible together nightly. Yes, we try and live according to His will. However, sometimes it's easy to try and fit God into a box, or a routine. For instance, confining Him to a certain time of the day or a certain day of the week. Instead, we want Him, the Giver of Life, to be part of every breath we take, every thought, every step, every decision. We want to completely immerse ourselves in Him.

2. Spend more time together away from the house. Yes, we spend almost all of our spare time together. However, we're usually at home and that means we still have things we have to do (like laundry, ugh!). We want to travel more and spend more time with each other away from home and our responsibilities. Even if it's just a night away in Vicksburg.
3. Get our finances in order. We're both really bad about just spending money on stuff. Well, we've got more useless stuff than we will ever need. We want to do the Financial Peace program from Dave Ramsey. Along with this, my personal goal is to be more faithful in tithing (my husband is much more faithful and diligent in this than I am). They say that if you want to know where your heart is, look at your check book.