Wednesday, June 25

Quote of the week

This week's quote comes from our great Thomas Jefferson. I really became a fan of his writings after taking an American Literature class in college. My favorite professor of English, Ms. Peggy Van Devender introduced him to me and I fell in love. I highly recommend checking out his works. His quotes are very wise and cover everything from friendship to fashion! Many of our presidents were great writers, especially Abraham Lincoln. This week I'm working on completing a huge literature review for my research class. Obviously, this quote spoke to me. Enjoy!

"Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing."
Thomas Jefferson

Being as how I love history (it's one of my concentrations in teaching), let's have a quiz. Use your own knowledge, NOT Google or!

Question: What number president was Thomas Jefferson?

Hints: The first was George Washington and the tenth was John Tyler. Jefferson is somewhere in between!


Layla said...

Please tell me that people knew he was the 3rd President!! I would hate to know that no one knew that!

Sylvia Grace said...

I'll post the answer if a few days! So far you're the only one to give an answer.....let's see what happens!