Tuesday, June 17

The Love Passage- Devotional

After thinking about my favorite Bible passage (this weeks quote), I dug through my old devotionals and found this thoughtful.
The Love Chapter
"This passage is universally considered one of the great 'jewels of Scripture'.For its sheer beauty and moral force, it has been admired by believers as well as unbelievers through the ages. Paul's intent is to draw the Corinthians away from questions of who is wiser, more spiritual or more important. Love is the point. Without love, no other gift matters.

Love takes many forms, all active: patience, kindness, humility, unselfishness, forgiveness, holiness, protection, trust. The three impeccable Christian graces are faith and hope and love. But love reigns supreme.

Review the words used in this chapter, making special note of those that describe what love is and what love is not. Over the next weeks and months, ask God to work in your life to build up loving characteristics."


{Amanda} said...

this is a great excerpt slyvia- what devotional is it from? our small group is going through "Seeking Him" but hopefully our group will keep going even after completed...

Sylvia Grace said...

Thanks! It's actually from one of my old 'devotional' Bibles (a Women of Faith bible from Jamie, Jennifer and Craig- my baptism gift). It's really good! I really enjoyed T.D. Jakes "Devotional and Journal-365 Days to Healing, Blessings, and Freedom".