Tuesday, March 4

How We Are Spending This Rainy Day

This yo-yo weather is taking its toll on us. We will have a few pretty days of gorgeous sunshine and warmth, days which we spend almost entirely outdoors. Then a cold front comes and we are driven indoors where we try our best to make the most of the cold, rainy days.....building forts, play dough masterpieces, and books galore.

Today is one of those dreary winter days that make me long for Spring.

I mean, it's March already. It has to start warming up sometime.

We have spent the day in our jammies. Mary Grace decided she wanted to watch a 'moooody' as she calls it. She always picks out 'Marley and Me' because of the 'daaawwwg' on the cover. Which is fine by me because it's one of my faves :)

So, as you are reading this, me and my sweet mini are cuddled up in bed, snuggling together under my great-grandmother's quilt, as my sweet little one entusiastically yells 'daawwwg' every.single.time Marley appears.

I am going to miss these days. One day she will choose other things over movies and nap time with Mommy.

Time, slow down.

Today is dance / gymnastics day so we are looking forward to a break from the house. My sweet hubs is meeting us for ice cream in Meridian, then he will get to watch her at dance for the first time.

I cannot wait to share this fun experience with him! I'm sure Sweet Pea will be in rare form, showing off all her little moves and tricks for her daddy.

Happy Tuesday, lovelies!

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