Wednesday, March 12

I'm Back From My Mini Vacay

The wee one and I have been in Philadelphia the last few days on a mini vacation of sorts. I love visiting my grandparents, and lately I have really been missing them. It was a spur of the moment idea to get away, so I didn't have anything planned to post on the blog.

Anywho, we had a fabulous time, as always. Mary Grace loves going to the camphouse and feeding the fish, playing with their puppy, swinging. This time the dafodils were in bloom so she picked several little boquets for my grandmother. So sweet!

Judging by the number of text messages and phone calls, I'd say my husband has missed his girls! As soon as we walked through our door Mary Grace was calling him and looking everywhere. She is going to be oh so happy to see him this evening.

Is it just me or does everyone feel the need to clean, clean, clean once they arrive home? My husband didn't make a mess or anything, but I always feel like I need to clean/unpack asap. I'm weird.

The little one is napping {thank goodness} and I'm going to do a little unpacking then some relaxing.

Happy Wednesday!
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