Wednesday, March 19

Potty Training {Phase Two}

Mary Grace has been successfully using the potty since mid October. There are days when she only has an 'accident' once or twice! Way to go, Mary Grace :) She let's you know when she needs to go potty, and will pull down her bottoms and go potty completely by herself. I've walked in on her several times lately while she was going 'potty' all by herself.

I feel like it's time to 'move forward' in this department, so yesterday she and I bought  'big girl undies'.

Of course, she picked out the Minnie Mouse pack :)

Ya'll, she loves them! She doesn't know what they are for yet as we haven't put them on, but because they have Miss Minnie Mouse on them they are her new favorite thing.

I know she will have several 'accidents', but my hope is that she will transition pretty smoothly/quickly from slip-on diapers to undies. We plan to use diapers at night still, and when we are out of the house {until she get's adjusted to using the potty full time}.

She will be in her 'big girl panties' for the first time today. Here's to hoping she is out of diapers completely by her second birthday!

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