Tuesday, February 25

Au Revoir, Facebook

I feel like I have severed a limb. Seriously.

The fact that I feel that way only further illuminates the need for me to cut ties.

I have been tossing around the idea of getting off of Facebook for a couple of months, but it wasn't until we started our 'gods at war' study that I made a concrete decision.

Of course with this decision comes the big question that everyone has asked: What's wrong? Is everything okay? Did something happen?

Nothing is wrong. Everything is great! And no, nothing happened.

I understand that usually when someone 'deactivates' their page it's usually because of a fight, break-up, or wanting to hide from something embarrasing.

No of those reasons apply for me.

I will share a few of the reasons that helped cement my decision. You may agree with some, yourself. Or not.

Less Is Truly More
Facebook. Instagram. Blogger. Pinterest. To many online worlds to manage. My husband and I have been on a mission to simplify our lives and get 'back to the basics' per say. I want to slow down our pace to the point where life can actually be consumed, not just tasted. I want a lower cost of living (not just financially) and a higher quality of life. The less things I have competing for my attention, the more I can truly be present for the people and things that mean the most.

 Facebook Is A Time Leech
It is like going to Wal-Mart. I can never just buy 'one thing', I always leave with multiple bags. With Facebook, it's impossible to 'just check' something quickly. Fast forward 30 minutes {or more} and I'm still scrolling. I do plan to keep my business page {Sew Southern}, but it's a business page without a news feed. I can't even message someone unless they have messaged me first.

There Are Better Options For Sharing My Life
I know several family members who use FB as a means to keep up with other family. I have blogged and journaled our life for six years, and if you want to know what we are up to, this is the best place to find out!

Facebook Friendships Are Not Substitutes For Real Friendships
I hate being so negative, because there are good things about Facebook. I like being able to keep up with friends and family that are sick, having babies, or whatever. But here's the deal, if we're really friends, then when those type of things arise, I'll do more than just comment on your status. I'll actually be there for you to show support. Plus, if you are truly honest with yourself, most of your FB friends are not....well... actual friends. Yes, they may be people you were once closer to for whatever reason, but life is an ebb and flow. Relationships come and go, and clinging to what once was isn't healthy.

The Ads
I care more about you than whether you like Tide or Cherry Coke. Not to mention how after almost every post on my news feed there is a 'suggested page'- which usually is not something I care to see, if you know what I mean.
Facebook 'Soapboxes'
How I did not quit Facebook during the last election season is still a mystery. I hate getting on and seeing post after post of so-and-so ranting about such-and-such. I think we can all agree that there is a whole lot of drama on Facebook, of which we would all be better off not seeing. In these cases, ignorance is truly bliss.

Living Real Life
Judge me if you must, but I've actually caught myself thinking "Oh, I need to snap a picture of this for FB" when Mary Grace does something sweet or new. Instead of being present in the moment and soaking it in, I'm thinking of documenting it for Facebook. Plus, the whole keeping-up-with-others thing is an issue I struggle with. I've blogged more than once about the issues of comparing yourself to others. I am always preaching to myself. It's so hard not to, though, when the lives of others are always on the forefront.  

Au revoir, Facebook.

I will still have my little spot here in blogland where I will continue to document our small town life. I realize that my daily reads will decrease drastically since I won't post links on other social medias, but I also realize that so many of you follow along, not because I post it on Facebook, but because you choose to do so. I have had countless numbers of emails and messages about how something I have written has inspired someone, or spoke words they could not. In some ways this is a bit of a mission field for me. Those times when readers reach out because I have inspired them in some way, those mean more to me than a daily page view count.

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1 comment:

Oddball Mind said...

Thinking about doing this too. Please work on my blog site. I love you.