Friday, February 21

Friday Five

One. Showing Some Love
Wednesday my hubs took my car to work and left us his work car. The mini and I decided to do something sweet to show our love, so we detailed his car. Ya'll, I even cleaned the rims and tires! This was no easy task, my friends, being as how he has had this car 1.5 years and has never washed or cleaned it. It was a complete surprise and helped brighten is daily commute.

Two. Sweet Pea Swap: DONE!
I have been working on this since Tuesday evening and I am proud to say that every.single.item is tagged, boxed, and sitting in the laundry room waiting to be loaded. My friend, T, the wee one, and I are all loading up in one vehicle- we are going to be squished like sardines! I am thankful I don't have to tag another piece of clothing for six months.

Three. Six Mile Barrier
Yesterday I broke the six mile mark for the first time since running the half in November. While I've done two long runs {7 miles and 9 miles} I only ran about half of that distance, and walked the rest. The warmer weather has helped boost my motivation.
Four. Puppy Please
The Mr. and I have been tossing around the idea of getting a puppy for Mary Grace. We have Louie, but he's older and didn't grow up with children, so although Mary Grace chases him and begs to play with him, he doesn't always play back. We want to get a puppy so she will have a playmate of sorts, and with Spring and Summer on the horizon, now's the perfect time. Advice from other mommies?

Five. Sickness- Day 7
We've been sick for a week now and just cannot seem to tackle this cough/crud. The mister is fine, but the little one and I have been passing the same cold back and forth. Thanks for everyone who has let me know they are praying for us! Please continue to lift us up! If we are not better by Monday, we are doctor bound.

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Brianne said...

That is such a sweet note.

The Morrows said...

I am ready for spring weather so everyone can get over this crud!
Hope you all feel better soon.

Love that sweet note you left on his steering wheel. Little things go a long way!