Friday, February 14

Friday Five

One. Reader Support
I want to thank everyone who shared my post on Mommy Wars. The response and views was phenomenal. I am nearing my sixth year of blogging, and that post is by far my most read. It is never easy putting yourself out in the open- transparency is a scary thing. I had so many people reach out and tell me how it spoke volumes to them, or how they too experienced PPD.

Again, thank you for your kindness, and for taking the time to follow my blog.

Two. New Do'
I mentioned last week that I was considering cutting my Rapunzel-Esque hair. Well friends, I actually went through with it. I loved my long, soft curls but hated the eternity it took to get them. With warm weather {hopefully} around the corner, I was feeling the need for a change. I loved the 10 minutes it took to dry and style today, not to mention how much lighter and healthier it feels.

Three. Spring Sunshine
I have been so afraid to get excited over the warm temps in the forecast, but it looks as if the 70's will indeed be arriving this weekend. I am so excited about seeing those gorgeous sunshiny days! Today's high is supposed to be 66 degrees. Fabulous!

Four. Recipe Review
Last weekend I cooked the two recipes I mentioned on the Friday Five {Dr. Pepper BBQ chicken & Orange BBQ chicken}. Both were delicious, but the Dr. Pepper was the best :) It will definitely become part of our favorite's list.

Five. Valentine's Day
I am enjoying spending the day with my favorite little Valentine. She and I are making a cute little happy for Daddy, along with his favorite meal for dinner.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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Unknown said...

Your hair looks great! Must be the season for haircuts, my daughter cut like 14" off her hair yesterday.

It's amazing how something as simple as a haircut can have such a big impact on how you feel!

Sylvia Grace said...

Thanks Stephanie! You're right, a simple hair cut can go a long way.

Thanks for reading!

Thetwo J said...

Your posts are amazing. You should write professionally, or get a sponsor(s) for your blog. These posts are relevant to any age group. Uplifting, honest, refreshing.

Joy said...

LOVING the new DO! And I'm gonna need to try that Dr Pepper recipe! Of course the weather is going to be beautiful this week, so I wonder what will be in store for the next week. Ugh... Seems we have a winter storm every other week these days! Hope y'all had a great VDay! Thanks for linking up and enjoy your weekend!