Monday, February 10

When Mima comes...

.....she always brings sweet little lovelies! Thanks to Mima, little miss now has some adorable new Spring and summer frocks, plus a few toys. I cannot wait for warmer weather so we can dive into her new wardrobe.

Spring Lovelies

Mary Grace is a big Doc fan, so we are trying to break her obsession with Minnie by adding some Doc items into the mix. So far, it seems to help.

Speaking of Spring, my heart is happy after looking at the extended 10 day forecast. Only two days of cold (50's and 40's) then the rest is all 60's. Next Saturday is even forecasted at nearing 70!

Just in case your forecast is different, please don't share. Even if mine happens to be wrong, I still like to dream and hold out hope :)

There's a lot happening on the blog this week. I have a post for everyday. Let's see if I can stick to it.

Happy Monday, friends.
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1 comment:

Oddball Mind said...

I had such a good time visiting with you guys. Give me grace a big hug from Mima.