Monday, February 3

Domain Name Change

I wanted to give you, my sweet readers, a heads up regarding the domain name for my blog.

It was

I plan to change it to match my blog name. The new url is..

That's a mouth full, I know. But it seems there are dozens upon dozens of other domains with 'the small town life' in them. Fooey.
I've been meaning to do this since my blog revamp, but just never really got to it. Although it's  something silly and small, I feel quite proud of myself for finally getting around to making the change.

Anywho, that's the deal. It's definitely Monday at our home. Little Miss is into everything today. While trying to get her a bowl of popcorn, she opened one of our large drawers, climbed in, jumped up and down, and messed it up or something. Not sure. I tried getting it back on track, but its one of those that will gently shut, and it's a bit complicated. Have no fear though, I'm sure the hubs can just pop it right back into place. At least that's what I'm hoping.

Darling girl is napping and it's Mommy's break time. Worship music is playing and I plan to do 15 minutes of speed cleaning, then spend some time reading. I don't feel like I have caught my breath yet. I didn't get home until Saturday night, and Sunday's are always busy with church / family time. I'm hoping I can regroup today :)

Oh, I promise I am going to post the slightly late 21 month update this week {although she will be 22 months Friday}. The grands are asking about it :)

Nothing fancy today, lovelies. I'll try and post something a little more exciting next time.
  photo Signature3.png

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