Friday, January 24

Friday Five {sheer randomness today}

Let's get right down to this week's randomness. I know you're anxiously awaiting the popular Friday list. ;)

One. Minnie Mouse Fanatic
My child is a tad obsessed with Minnie. My Dad bought her a cute little pair of Minnie pajamas. It was all good until she started refusing to wear anything but her Minnie jammies. She digs through the dirty clothes looking for them. Soooo, I am having a blast washing them every. single. day.

Thanks to her new Minnie Mouse Bowtique movie from Mima, she now thinks Minnie can be shown on demand. No more giving her the excuse of 'Minnie's not on right now'. She knows better. She lets you know that she knows better. I don't care to share with you how many times we've watched that two.hour.long marathon.

Oh, let's not forget the Minnie Mouse plate. While shopping with Chickadee on Monday, she found a cute little Minnie Mouse plate. I thought, heck it's only $2, might as well. Worst investment ever. She will now only eat if she has her Minnie plate. Soooo... again, I'm having a blast washing it after every. single. meal. {Oh, after snacks, too}.

The next person that buys her something 'Minnie' needs to be prepared. I just might dive on you.

Two. Happy Feet
Nothing makes me happier that having packages appear on my steps. Especially when said package is my new Brooks Ghost 6 kicks. It's on now. I felt my motivation level rise drastically after just trying them on. They arrived just in time for the first long run on the new year tomorrow. I am shooting for 5-6 miles :)

Three. Gods at War
Our Bible study group had a last minute change of plans, we decided to do Gods at War by Kyle Idleman instead of the other study we had picked out. I am super excited about getting back into our weekly study group routine :)

Four. Purging
I went a bit psycho on Wednesday and cleaned out every.single.drawer/closet/cabinet in my house {with the exception of Mary Grace's room- which is next on my list}.  Ya'll, I even went through my spice rack and our medicine basket. Here's a glimpse of the first load I took to the Salvation Army yesterday {minus the five bags of trash}. A more detailed post on this craziness to come.

Five.  Krispy Kreme Fundraiser 
For my readers who live locally- don't forget to stop by and show your support for our mission trip to Nicaragua! Who can say no to Krispy Kreme? Certainly not me! We will be around the courthouse square or within that vicinity. There are five of us total, plus we will have signs- so you can't miss us!

Alright, lovelies- you know what to do. Check out other Friday Five link-ups via The Sowell Life.
As always, we'd love for you to join the fun!

Happy Friday!

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1 comment:

Brianne said...

Love those shoes! I need some new running shoes I just hate spending money ha.