Tuesday, June 10

A Rainy Day

It's raining on the lake today, so we are spending time indoors in our jammies.

So, how do the James girls spend a rainy summer day?

First, we started the day off by having breakfast on the porch and watching the rain.

After breakfast, we had a little messy fun making our homemade sourdough bread.

{Flour Face}

{She's saying "cheeeeeese"}
Then, we spent time painting happies for Daddy, and cards for the grands.

We thought of a fun way to welcome Daddy home....

We ate popcorn and watched Mickey Mouse.

And now the little one is napping and I just finished my quiet time with Jesus.

Later, we are headed to town to do a quick errand, then maybe a little shopping for new hair bows at the Four Seasons.

And if the thunder goes away and we are left with a nice, light shower- the mini and I will have a mommy/daughter date to dance in the rain and splash in the puddles.

Happy Rainy Day

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