Friday, November 15

Five on Friday {link up #10}

Oh my, what a week it has been. It's been quite hectic as of late- MG woke up Monday with the sniffles and we've been battling them ever since, we hosted Bible study Tuesday night, I'm trying to get ready for the half, and on top of it all, I have sewing orders coming in like crazy!

One. Leo Run To Remember Half Marathon
It's finally here- race day is tomorrow. We start at 7:00 am, so if you're up at that time, say a little prayer for us :) After months of training I am ready to conquer 13.1 miles!

Two. Library Day
With the colder temps making their appearance, our sunny days on the porch or at the park are coming to an end. So, I've been looking for things to do with Mary Grace indoors- so she can get out of the house some. One thing we recently did was visit the library. She loved it and it made my heart smile seeing how happy she was over her books. Truth- she slept with them at nap time the day she got them. I think we've read them 1,023,358 times now ;)

Three. Menu Planning
Those of you that have been with me for a while now know that I'm a planner. When it's time for our biweekly grocery trips, we carefully plan out what we want to eat, then write our list accordingly. With our recent diet changes, I have to be more organized than ever in the planning department. My sister-in-law liked the printable I use, so I thought I'd post it on here for you to use. There are dozens of these on Pinterest. Click here to download it :)

Four. Santa Stopped By
Santa has already stopped to drop off a few of MG's Christmas gifts. Seeing all the fun that is sure to ensue is making me super excited for the big day to arrive!

Five. Pretty Ponytails
I've been browsing pinterest for cute updo's since my hair is getting longer. I came across this ponytail idea and thought it was a cute and fancier version of what I sport these days- so I thought I'd give it a try.

As always, don't forget to check out Joy's Friday Five {along with others who have linked up} at The Sowell Life. Better yet- join the fun by linking up with your own random, Friday Five!

Happy Friday and Helloooo Weekend!


Joy said...

My hair is already thick, but I'm loving that ponytail look! And thanks for the link to download that shopping list. GOOD LUCK tomorrow with the race. I'm sure you will do great. And it won't be too hot or cold so hopefully it will make for a great day! Thanks for linking up today, and HAPPY FRIDAY! Y'all have a wonderful weekend!!! (Can't wait to hear about the race recap!)

Brianne said...

I really like that ponytail! I'm gonna have to give it a shot...perhaps tomorrow!