Wednesday, November 6

Our Family Tree

 Saturday was one of those perfect Fall days. It was breezy, warm, bright sunshine, and the leaves were falling everywhere.
Perfect day to spend with Pop enjoying the weather.
We spent the afternoon riding the 4-wheeler with Pop and driving 'down memory lane'. I made one of my favorite memories Saturday- we visited our special tree. This tree has been a special place for my cousins and I. We have all, at some time in our childhood, carved our name on it. It was so neat looking over all the names and dates and remembering when. It was also sad, reading some of the names of those who are no longer here to reminisce. It was almost like a right of passage for us to carve our names into it. And the tradition carried on as we did the same for Mary Grace.

{I think this would be perfect in a frame}

 Here's to fun memories and family trees!

 photo Signature3.png

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