Monday, November 4

The Small Town Life {change is in the air}

Happy Monday Morning, Lovelies!

So, what do you think of the new & improved blog design? I had planned on changing things up a few weeks- okay, let me be honest- months ago. I've been a tad busy/distracted as of late and blogging took a back seat.

Wait. Let me be honest- I haven't been to busy, just hiding out. Things are changing at warp speed around here and I just haven't known when or how to even begin trying to catch up.

Having said that, there's nothing like sprucing things up a tad to give me that much needed dose of motivation.

Now let's talk about the biggie- the name change.

What's in a name?

It was a very hard decision to change what had been 'mine' and carried 'my' name for so long. My life is in a new season right now {Fall would best describe it} and I just felt I needed something totally different. I wanted a fresh face for my blog- and a name change seemed right. 

I know you're thinking Fall- how can that be a life season. Let's go back to the beginning and do a little recap.
  • God has been pulling at me for months now. After much prayer {the face-down-on-the-floor-snotty-sobbing-mess kind}, my husband and I felt He was calling me to stay home this year. I like to say that I 'got a promotion' ;) I'm spending this time focusing on my walk with Jesus, being a wife and mommy, and seeking God's will and place for me in this world.
  • I took a course and obtained my Real Estate License in late Spring/Summer. I signed up in April before I knew I'd be a SAHM, so it kind of worked out perfectly. There are no words for how much I love the real estate business. I always said teaching was my calling- but I'm wondering if I may have two callings ;)
  • Bob and I have been in a state of almost constant prayer. We spent a couple of months praying 'anything'. We laid everything down on the altar and prayed for Jesus to do something, anything. Let me just tell you, He has showed up in a BIG way. We feel Him leading us in new directions- some are a bit scary- but we have chosen to follow.
So, why Fall? Well, it seems like so many things are just falling away right now- my career, plans we had, friendships, our house, relationships... on and on. I am letting things leave so that I can focus more on the Main thing.

Can I be honest? It's scary. It's hard. I worry. I have moments when I want to turn back, go back to the way things were, to the way I want things to be. I, I, I, I... that's been the problem. What I wanted. It should be what Jesus wants.

I never, ever, ever had SAHM as one of my goals in my day planner. As a SAHM I have good days and bad days- but it would be like that even if I were working. Sometimes I have to stop and remind myself that I prayed for anything- and that this may very well be Jesus' anything for me. I have to remember that this is a blessing- I am not missing out on a thing with Mary Grace. I get to have breakfast and lunch dates with her everyday! I know many moms that only wish they could stay home with their babies. I do plan to go back to work eventually- but not until Jesus leads me to that path. Until then, I am embracing this new, and very different, season in my life. I know one day I will look back and my heart will ache with a longing to have just one day of this back.

It's different, to say the least. So many things have shifted, been rearranged, or just no longer made the cut. Welcome to my new normal. ;)

I didn't intend for this post to ramble on so much. Pretty sure most of you stopped reading by now. For those of you that didn't- thanks for 'listening' ;)

Coming up this week on The Small Town Life {gosh, that feels weird to say} MG's 18 month update, marathon training tidbits, Saturday recap, and the every popular Friday Five. That's a post everyday this week- I hope I'm up for it!

Happy Monday, Blogland!

 photo Signature3.png

1 comment:

Theresa Tyson said...

So proud of you, and I love the new look of the blog :)