Monday, July 2

It's All Good on a Monday Morning

Here we are starting off yet another week and I cannot believe it's already July. The summer is already half over- how did that happen. While it's only halfway through Monday, things are looking good for this week. MG and I have a couple of lunch dates planned, but other than that we will be spending these hot summer days being lazy and hanging out indoors. A trip to the pool is a definite possibility! The best news of all is that Daddy will be off work the latter part of the week for the holiday.

Speaking of the upcoming holiday, we have absolutely no plans this year. Hmmm..... MG and I will add "Plan for the Fourth" to our short list of must-dos. Also on the list, savor each minute left of summer break and these wonderful lazy days.

This no-long-sleep-deprived Mommy is happy to report that Little Miss has started sleeping through the night. It hasn't been every night, but still, once or twice a week is good for me. She was super tired last night and was in her bassinet sound asleep by 8:30. She didn't wake up until 6:00, was up for an hour, and then went back to sleep in our bed with me at 7:00. She is still sleeping as I sit writing this now- and my clock says 10:36! That's how it goes with her- when she sleeps, she really sleeps!

The bridal shower was beautiful! It was such a good day spending time with this sweet bride-to-be!

Speaking of a good day, this Mommy squeezed every drop of fun I could out of my day out Saturday. I haven't wandered through the mall in quite a while! I behaved though, and only bought a new purse and wallet! I then proceeded to see not just one, but two movies. Of the two, I recommend the Abraham Lincoln movie- wasn't the best I've ever seen, but it was one of the better movies playing.

Happy Monday Everyone!

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