Monday, July 23

Weekend Wrap-Up

Miss MG and I spent the day at home and enjoyed having family and friends over for visits. My dad stopped by for a surprise visit and MG had a ball playing with her Pop. After Pop left we had a quick nap before Miss Addy came over for another play date! I cannot believe how much she is growing up. It makes me sad that our babies are growing and changing so quickly.

My sweet husband took baby duty so this lady was able to sleep past 8 am. For those of you with small children, you will appreciate how big of a deal this is! After lunch, MG spent the afternoon with Nanny J while the hubby and I headed out for a little shopping and dinner to celebrate our anniversary.

We were oh-so busy! Sunday School, morning worship, and then a fellowship meal afterwards meant one busy morning. MG was a sweetheart and decided to take a long afternoon nap, which meant we were able to snooze a little, too!

Amidst it all, we celebrated seven years of wedded bliss! I am blessed to call this man my husband and feel so honored that he chose me to be his wife.

 new chapter
Then we were back for evening worship. It was a big day for our church-- we called a new pastor. We are excited for this new chapter in our church and look forward to getting to know this sweet family!

We have been on the go this summer! Our calendar is booked to the gills the next few weeks with weddings, family get-togethers, and the new school year approaching. Luckily, there is nothing on the agenda for today and I plan to fill it up with MG time.

Happy Monday!

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