Tuesday, August 27

Raising A Daughter After God's Own Heart

In light of Miley's recent {and now infamous} VMA performance, people have been stepping forward giving their opinions.

I've seen everything from hate comments to prayers being said for her.

If you are a Mom, I hope it has sparked something inside you. I hope it leaves you with a new understanding of the importance of raising your children to love and honor Christ. Sometimes I think of what the world will hold for my daughter when she's my age- it always frightens me and leaves me realizing the importance of preparing her now for the spiritual warfare she is destined to face in the future.

I want her to know that the love of Jesus is something she should treasure. The world's love is fickle and nothing to be desired. Instead of longing for acceptance from the world, I pray she will chase after Jesus even if it means doing so alone. I want her to know that she is His beloved.

I had a post of my own in mind for this topic, but after reading what my sweet friend Staci over at Luker Family Tales wrote, I had to re-post. It is exactly how I feel. I hope you'll take the time to read it {you can find it here}.

If you are raising a daughter, may I recommend an awesome book to help put things in perspective for you. I read it shortly after having Mary Grace..

It's never to soon to start helping shape your child into the person they were created to be- someone who brings glory and praise to God.

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