Sunday, August 17

Ready To Save The World

My school held a 'Meet & Greet' this afternoon for the parents and students. It was a time for parents and students to meet their teacher, check out the classrooms, drop off school supplies, and get an overview of how the classes will work. I'm very proud to say that 13 out of 18 of my parents/students came! I called all of my parents yesterday to remind them- I guess it worked! I was soooooo nervous to meet them. But I'm glad we had this time because I'm more confident for tomorrow morning.

Gosh, it's hard to believe that tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. I'll have 18 kindergarten babies. I can just picture them sitting on my rug, eyes wide, looking like scared little chicks- I guess that makes me 'Mama Hen'! lol It's going to be an adventure for all of us. After all, tomorrow is my first day of school as a first year teacher! It's my first day of kindergarten too!

I'm beginning to have the 'What if...' thoughts. "What if I mess up the bus duty? And at 4:00 I have ten kids sitting in the office with me?" "What if I can't teach them what they need to know? What if I can't get through to them?" "What if my alarm clock doesn't go off and I wake up at 10:00?" "What if they don't like me?"

These are just a few of the nightmares I've been having lately. I'm scared to death, yet I've never felt so excited. I've been telling myself over and over "I'm a teacher. I've been trained to do this." Well, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I'm going to bed at 7 tonight. I have to get a good nights sleep- after all, tomorrow I have to be ready to save the world!


Layla said...

Sylvia, I think wait make that know you are going to be an amazing kindergarten teacher. I know I picked on you a good deal about not choosing West Hills, but deep down I knew that was where you should be.

I cannot wait to hear about every wonderful idea you have for them, and every wonderful thing they do for you. I know we haven't talked much lately, and I think the fading friendships you mentioned in the last blog was me. I hate that its happening; hopefully, that will change.

You are going to be an amazing teacher. I know I wasn't blessed to a kindergarten teacher. I think we both know that it takes a special person. And I know that you are a special person. Not that you need it, but good luck tomorrow! :)

Sylvia Grace said...

Thanks Layla! Good luck with your 3rd grade babies today! You'll have to blog about it!