Friday, April 11

Friday Five

The temps are in the 70's, the sunshine is gorgeous, and it's Friday. It doesn't get much better than that, my friends.

{One} Dirt Therapy.
Yesterday the wee one and I made a little visit to a local nursery, which is run by one of our sweet church members, and loaded up our car with all sorts of pretties. We spent all day working in our beds and getting our yard ready for Spring. Sometimes, you just need to get your hands dirty while soaking up the sunshine. That's dirt therapy.

{Two} Office Day
Today I'm wearing the hat of real estate agent. I'm spending the day working at the office {we are moving to a new location}. I am looking forward to spending the day in the grown-up world.

{Three}Spring Dresses
Old Navy is having a sale on all their dresses, plus today you can get an additional 25% off. This lovely little frock is headed my way.

{Four} Nicaragua
I am down to less than four months until I am on a mission field. It's getting so close and I am so excited!

{Five} The Bible In A Month
Last, but certainly not least, a little update on my Bible challenge. I mentioned last week that I was planning to listen to the Bible read aloud while my eye was healing. I felt like that was cheating, so I suffered through and read anyway. This is taking up most of my extra time, as I am reading about 2.5 to 3 hours daily. I am still on track, and today I am reading the remainder of Job and into Psalms.

Be on the lookout next week for a post every day :) Plus, a fun little surprise I cannot wait to share!
 Happy Friday!
   photo Signature3.png

1 comment:

Brianne said...

Sundresses are one of my favorite things about spring/summer ... high school/middle school me would not be impressed by how often I wear dresses now.