Monday, August 13

Life As Of Late

Not Just The Sniffles
Poor Mary Grace has been battling her first little cold for over a week. We paid Dr. E another visit today and discovered she has an ear infection in both ears. Absolutely no fun. The timing could not be worse. This was already going to be a busy week due to school starting, but throw in a sick wee one and it's plum crazy.

Shark Bites
I hated to see the Olympics come to an end. Shark Week is now our nightly entertainment!

It's A Family Thing
Saturday the James' ventured out of town to visit my grandparents, the Grimes'. I love seeing MG with them! She had so much fun visiting her Poppy John and Marlene!

Farewell Summer....Until Next Year
Today is officially my last day of Summer. I had envisioned one last lazy day- it didn't quite turn out that way, but oh well. It feels like forever since I've been  a part of the world of work. I went back for just three weeks right at the end of the school year, and so much was going on that it really didn't feel much like work. I ready to get things going. Although I will be needing mucho coffee to actually get me going.

Happy Monday!

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