Thursday, June 28

Getting My Ducks In A Row

As a new mom, I'm still working on finding my balance in life. Back when our house was home to a population of two, it was easy to keep all the facets of my life in order. Funny how adding one more person {a tiny person at that} can throw everything off kilter. I'm struggling to find my balance between being a wife, new mother to our sweet baby, housework, my career, responsibilities as a Sunday school teacher, finding time for friends, and taking much needed time for myself....

Whoa. I'm overwhelmed just typing it out.

Speaking of housework....

The oh-so-not-fun part of returning from any vacation is the unpacking, washing, cleaning, and putting away. I made it through the unpacking, washing, and cleaning phase, but I've lost all motivation so things are not yet put away. Being honest- when it comes to housework these days, I cannot seem to stay afloat. My inner OCD self is shaking her finger at me while cringing at the messiness. It's always been hard for me to relax and enjoy my time at home if things are out of place.  At the end of the day, I have to remind myself that these little moments with my sweet MG will be gone oh so quickly. Knowing that makes leaving the housework undone a bit easier.

I am learning though. I've recently started to gain perspective and weed out the important from the unimportant. If you walk into my house on any given day you'll find at least one load of laundry that needs folding, bottles/dishes that need tending to, and toys and various baby items decorating my living room. Chances are I'd still be in my pj's trying to finish my cup of coffee even though it's now lunchtime.

 But you'll also find the most adorable baby girl and a Mommy and Daddy who couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog!
Thanks for being honest. I know exactly how you feel. I'm a SAHM and feel overwhelmed all the time.

You should do a day in the life post.