Tuesday, June 5

Sweet Mary Grace- 2 Months Old

Dear Mary Grace,
Mommy can't believe you're 2 months old today... gone are the days of you fitting into all those precious, tiny newborn clothes, as you have officially moved into 0-3 month attire. You're growing like a weed and as of your 2 month checkup today, you are 10.7  pounds (50% percentile), 22 inches (50% percentile), and your head measures 38.5 cm. You had your 2 month shots, and it broke Mommy's heart to see tears running down your little cheeks {first time that has happened}...I cried because I can't stand the thought of you being in pain. Woe is me. Next time Daddy is taking you.

 I can't lie, I am enjoying this time a teeny bit more than the first month. You're so much more interactive with us these days and my heart melts with every smile, laugh, and giggle. You know our voices and as soon as I enter the room and start to talk to you, you look for me instantly...talk about happiness, I don't think it gets much better than that. You have also discovered your hands and insist on having them in your mouth all the time...they must really taste yummy!

You love bathtime  {at first you loathed bathtime} and I get excited for your bath each night because I know you'll start smiling and splashing around in the water. Our little routine is still the same: bathtime between 7:15-7:30, then your nightly bottle/bedtime story, and then your down by 8:30 at the latest.

We are officially done with the breastfeeding and have moved on to formula full-time, which has made things around our home much better. As long as we arm ourselves with Tummy Drops and make sure you're well burped, your indigestion and gas has gotten a lot better-thank heavens! You also eat about 4oz every 3-4 hours, and then we give you a 6oz bottle at night right before bed so you can sleep longer and then you eat another 6 oz when you wake up between 2-3 a.m.

Sleep training for you is going fairly well these days, I am happy to report. You've had some 6 and 7 hour nights of uninterrupted sleep lately, and daddy and I are grateful for those nights. We are officially going to start working on getting you to sleep in your nursery during the day. I'm not yet ready for you to sleep in your big girl bed at night, though. I love having you sleep next to me in your bassinet, though I know we need to introduce you to your own space during the day to gain some independence and get you used to sleeping in your own room soon. You fall asleep best when you listen to the beach waves or the whale noises on my iPhone {Mommy is ordering you a Sleep Sheep so I can get my phone back}.

You  love tummy time and can spend all morning playing on your mat, "talking" to your friends and inching your way around the fun. You're starting to get the itch to roll and you get 1/2 way over and then get tired so you grunt like a pig and stop...I'm assuming by the next monthly update, you'll be rolling over big girl! You absolutely LOVE your swing and can spend long periods of time just looking around and listening to the 'hoot owls' sounds from your swing.

My one saving grace is your love of the outdoors-if you're being fussy or are fighting nap time, all I have to do is walk outside onto the porch and you instantly become a happy baby again. We spend lots of afternoons watching the turtles swim around the lake, listening to the birds chirp, and watching Louie man nap.

You are starting to coo and make little noises in response to someone talking to you or playing with you. It's so sweet to hear those precious little sounds!

Going on outings has gotten a lot better with you as well...you used to scream when we'd put you in the carseat, yet now you realize that means we're venturing out of the house and you sit so calmly in anticipation of what is to come.

Mommy had to go back to work for a couple of weeks and you spent your time with Nanny J. You LOVE Nanny J {so does Mommy and Daddy}. We couldn't ask for a sweeter person to look after you while we're at work. I know Nanny J is going to miss not having you everyday this Summer- but Mommy is looking forward to spending all her time with you!


This month has been so much fun! Everyday we see a little more of your personality, and it is such a joy discovering who you are! We love you so much and look forward to what next month has in store!


1 comment:

Oddball Mind said...

Yesterday... you were MY little baby girl... and I was experiencing all of this... Yesterday... where did it go?