Tuesday, July 8

Quote of the Week

This week's quote comes from a fortune cookie. Yes, that's right. A fortune cookie. There is a story behind this one in particular. One day during my sophomore year of college I was ready to drop out of school. At the time I was going to school full time during the day and working the evening-night shift at a hospital full time. During the week I would only get between 4 and 5 hours of sleep! I only saw my husband on the weekends- this was during our first year and a half of marriage. Anyways, I was ready to quite school and decided to go grab some lunch and think it over. I was particularly worried about being able to afford two more years of college. I had begun wondering if paying oodles of tuition was really worth it. God truly does work in mysterious ways- sometimes even through a fortune cookie. After enjoying some Chinese and spending the lunch hour in prayer this is how God spoke to me- through a fortune cookie that read:

"Education will never be as expensive as ignorance."

It's a simple message, but full of truth. To this day I still have that fortune cookie tucked away in my wallet. So, how did the story end? Well, I "put my big girl panties on and delt with it!" I knew that "This too shall pass"-and it did. The Lord provided ways for me to pay for college and I just recently earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education. Teaching was God's plan for my life, thus, he provided a way for me to fulfill that plan. I'm now in graduate school and things are working out great for me. Moral of the story: never give up! Oh, and eat lots of Chinese!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6


Jamie Grizzle said...

How are you liking Quaker Summer? I just finished up Embrace Me. I thought it was kinda weird at first, but I ended up really liking it.

Sylvia Grace said...

It's good- not the best I've read. It focuses around a woman who is very materialistic. It took me a while to really get interested. I'm about 3/4 into it. I'll let you know how I like it once I'm finished. Her style of writing is really different.