Tuesday, July 1

Unplugged for a few days....

Classes for the first term of Summer officially ended today! Lately things have been a bit chaotic to say the least! Grad school has taken me for a crazy ride. My next class for the second term doesn't begin until next Tuesday. So, to celebrate finishing my first semester of grad school, and enjoy a mini vacation, I'm going to spend a few days with my grandparents, Marlene and Poppy. I bought a couple of new books to read and I plan on being lazy and relaxing. I'm going to unplug for a few days- no internet, email, myspace, or even blogger (sorry faithful readers). The cell phone usage will be sparse to say the least! I'm really looking forward to spending quality time with my grandparents. I'll post pics when I'm back on either Thursday evening or Friday morning! I hope everyone has a great week!

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