Friday, May 10

Makeover & Mother's Day

Who doesn't love a makeover? Whether it's wardrobe, hair, makeup, decor.... sometimes a makeover is just what one needs.

A big thanks to Angie over at for her designs and help in this makeover!

There are so many new things, so please have a look around.

Now on to the weekend. We are gearing up for a fun & busy Mother's Day weekend.

Friday. I'm off for round two of project back-to-blonde and a possible crawfish dinner with friends.

Saturday. We are starting off bright and early for an in-home day-in-the-life photo shoot with our favorite photographer {Chelsea Busby}. When I say bright and early, I mean she's set to be here at 8 a.m. - yikes!

Afterwards, I'm off for a fun mommy's day out with my sweet friend Missouri Momma. She's due to have sweet baby girl #2 any day now, so we're off for a little pampering before Miss Emma makes her grand debut.

Bobby's mom is coming home for the weekend Saturday evening, and Miss Mary Grace is looking forward to some girl time with granny.

Sunday. Mother's Day service at church is including a baby dedication, and we cannot wait to see some of the newest additions to our MCBC family dedicated to the Lord. Afterwards, it's the traditional Sunday lunch at Nanny's with family.

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