Friday, February 1

Sweet Treat

 L.O.V.E. those dimples.

Remember how I said it's not always 'Rainbows and Sunshine'? Perfect example- our 9 month photo session. Mary Grace started screaming just before we arrived and Would. Not. Stop. I tried everything, but she just wasn't having it. I had packed some adorable little dresses and accessories for her to sport- psshh. I didn't even get to take her coat off. I improvised by taking off her socks, throwing on a hat/hair bow, and giving her my necklace. I would make funny faces and she would smile between sobs. Luckily, we have a pretty good photographer, if I may say so. Oh well, that's life with a wee one!

This was the night I noticed she had a tooth that had just broken through. No wonder she was so frustrated!

Happy Friday, Ya'll!

1 comment:

Jamie Grizzle said...

You got some great shots! She looks adorable in her little hat. Love it.