Wednesday, January 30

1 Award & 11 Questions


I was nominated by Stacy over at Following the Leader for the Liebster Blog Award. I've mentioned her blog in the past, but in case you missed it, you should definitely pay her a visit. She is inspirational, sweet as honey, and her sweet daughter is a doll!

Any who, with the nomination comes a list of questions she posed for me to answer. Enjoy!

1). What is something you hope to achieve in 2013?
Hmm...I'm not sure this qualifies, but I say happiness. I'm a pretty happy girl anyways, but I'm hoping to slow down and really enjoy each day all the many blessings it brings. I'm aiming for joy in the small things. In case that doesn't count- I'd like to finish my decorating to-do list on my home.
2). What is the best advice you could give?
3). Favorite hobby? Why do you like it?
 Reading. A book can take you anywhere you want to go- anytime.
4). What is your favorite book and why?
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It is a beautiful reflection of God's love for us. It is based on the book of Hosea and if I could make you read one book (other than the Bible)- this would be it.
5). What is your favorite "new" movie?
 Father of the Bride 1&2 - not sure if it qualifies as new. Under the Tuscan Sun, Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Fried Green Tomatoes
6). What is your favorite "classic" movie?
Pretty Woman
7). What is your favorite holiday and why?
Halloween. I love Autumn :) There's an electricity in the air that is only around in Autumn.
8). What electronic device can you not live without?
My iPhone
9). What is your favorite Non-Profit Organization?
Wesley House in Meridian, MS. I took call for their S.A.R.T.  for years.
10). Where is your favorite place to shop?
Ross- I love the low prices on their home decor.
11). If you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and why?
Italy. Specifically Tuscany. Who wouldn't want to go there? 

There you have it! I must now nominate 11 other up-and-coming blogs and pose 11 new questions for them. I'll post the blogs I nominated once they complete their answers :)

Happy Hump Day!

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