Thursday, February 26

Skinny Minny

Today's Stats:

Ran: 3.41 mi.
Pace: 9'53"
Weight: 126 lbs.......

Did you get that?
Weight: 126 lbs.


I've been safety pinning my dress pants up for a while now. So, today I went on a MAJOR clothes shopping spree. I'm proud to say that I'm in a size 4 - which is just a bit loose on me. I had been in a 6-8. I'm ecstatic! Plus, I bought all my shirts in a small -rather than the medium I had been wearing.

Just call me Skinny Minny!

I also bought this dress that is too cute!
Luh - uvvv it!
Can't wait to wear it to work!


{Amanda} said...

alright girl! you're giving me inspiration to get off my FAT butt and RUN!!! (yes...FAT...I gained 55 lbs over the past 9 months!)

I'm very serious about you & I doing a race in the Fall, you Skinny Minny you!

Sylvia Grace said...

Thanks Amanda! I've come to the decision that running/weight loss is addictive!

Hey, at least you have a very handsome excuse for your weight gain! I gained a good bit myself but I can only blame it on myself!

Yes, we do need to run a race this Fall!