Tuesday, November 25

Christmas Card Love

I love opening my mailbox and seeing those colorful envelopes containing precious Christmas cards from family and friends. I am ashamed to say that since being on my own, last year was the first year I did not send out cards. Time just snuck up on me and I didn't get them mailed out in time.

Alas, fear not because this year I am not missing the mailing deadline! I've already ordered our cards and cannot wait to sit by the fire, watch Christmas movies, and address our cards.

It's always so hard to choose a card design because there are only 189,366,896,147 cute designs out there.

While browsing, I stumbled across these lovelies from Minted, Shutterfly, and TinyPrints. I've ordered from all three of these shops before and have always had great results.

As for which design I fell in love with most..... well, you'll just have to wait until they've been mailed before I post on here :)

 photo Signature3.png

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