Monday, July 28

Prayer Partners

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good
news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim
salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God Reigns.’”
Isaiah 52:7

Early on Saturday our mission team will fly to Nicaragua to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm asking that you join our team as prayer partners and lift up our team and the people of Nicaragua during the week of August 2 - August 9. Words cannot describe how excited I feel and how much I am looking forward to experiencing God move in mighty ways on the mission field. This is a very busy week for me- preparing not only to leave out Friday afternoon for Nicaragua, but also preparing for the start of school next week{which I will miss}. If I don't post anything this week, please be understanding. I am working on setting up guest posts from some of my dearest friends for next week while I am out of pocket! Please continue to check back regularly :)

1. Pray that God will be glorified by every aspect of our trip. We are going to share the Gospel and bring glory to God alone. Pray that our actions and words will bring glory and honor to God alone.
2. Pray that each of us, as well as the nationals with whom we work and share with, would have a personal and powerful encounter with God. Pray that the Holy Spirit not only moves in our midst, but moves through us and in us, forever changing our lives.
3. Pray that the unconditional love of Jesus would radiate in and through each of our lives. We are going as the hands and feet of Christ to love on His people and share His Word. Pray that in all we say and do, we represent Love.
4. That God would place a hedge of protection around the entire trip. Please lift up our travels and pray that we will arrive home safely.
5. Satan would be bound from anything that distracts anyone from hearing the voice of God in the area where we'll be sharing.
6. All participating on this trip would be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. May every step we take and every word we speak be in response to the Spirit's leading and not our own.
7. God's Word would be proclaimed with power and produce life changing transformations.
8. God would give us strength and good health throughout the trip.
9. Pray that God will protect and provide for family members back home. This trip is not just about us, but also includes our family we leave behind who will be lifting us up in prayer. Please pray that the Lord will send them peace while their loves ones are so very far away.
10. God would give wisdom to those speaking and teaching, and listening ears to the people we come in contact with during our mission.
11. Divine appointments, both with those we share with as well as others we might encounter while traveling.
12. All team members and translators would be bold and creative in sharing our faith.
13. Pray that we would make quick adjustments to time and cultural changes.
14. Pray that revival would break out with the people to whom we minister, as well as within our own hearts.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers! I cannot wait to share with you the amazing ways God is going to move in Nicaragua!

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