Sunday, July 20

It's Revival Time

The Pentecostal Camp Meeting Revival starts today and this girl is oh so very excited! My soul sister, T, and I have always gone together and though I won't divulge personal tidbits, let me just say that during this week long revival I have seen God move in the most amazing ways.

I cannot wait to spend this week immersed in worship and prayer with others who are on fire for the Lord. I'm very much looking forward to my cup being filled so that I can splash everyone in Nicaragua with Jesus :)

If you are local, the Pentecostal Camp Meeting Revival starts today {July 20} and continues every evening through Friday. The services start at 7:00 pm nightly and it is located at the little blue camp located on Hwy 17 south {if you are headed to Toxey, it's on a hill on the left about halfway between Butler and Toxey}. If you are interested and not sure about the location, etc., contact me. We have a group meeting up each evening and you are welcome to join our little caravan.

You don't have to attend every night. Just one night of their amazing worship and prayer is enough to saturate your soul and set you on fire for Jesus. Please don't let the denomination hinder you either- Jesus is Jesus no matter what you call yourself. I attend a Baptist church and yet I love love love this annual Pentecostal revival. My husband and I consider ourselves 'Bapticostals' of sorts.
Hope to see you there!
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