Friday, May 30

Friday Five

{One} New Planner
Yes, I'm that girl. The girl that always has my planner on hand, the girl that makes a list for everything. What can I say? I love planning and all things organized. My old planner was only good through May, so it was time to shop for a new one. Last year I purchased my planner from Maybooks but this time I wanted a change. I browsed Personal-Planner, and even spent some time playing around and designing my own -fun! In the end, though, I decided on this little lovely.

{Two} Gelish 
I quite possibly have the worst nails on the face of the planet. They are brittle and chip/peel easily. Plus, since I was a baby I have always had white spots all over my nails. Some say it's a vitamin deficiency, others say its calcium deposits. All I know is you will rarely catch this girl without polish on my nails- even if its just a nude color. If you do, then please help me because that's a sign that life is in turmoil. One of my friends started using Gelish and swears by it. Granted, it;s quite pricey for the start-up kit, the colors themselves are a bit expensive, but it lasts up to three weeks. I'd love to learn how to use Structure with it to get that flawless salon look. I typically redo/paint my nails twice a week {and that's using OPI and Essie}, sometimes more, so this is very appealing to me. I think I have finally talked myself into splurging on the kit and a few colors.

Short Summer Locks

{Three} Short Summer Do
A couple of weekends ago I enjoyed a Saturday morning chat with my precious friend, Sassy. There's nothing quite like getting to talk with a friend outdoors on a gorgeous morning, and seeing Jesus in your midst. Anywho, Sassy was rockin' a new shorter do and I left wanting to chop my hair off again. It's time for a trim anyways, and I'm so tempted to cut another inch or two off the length. I want something summery/flirty and easy to manage. I haven't colored my hair since last October and it's so much healthier. I want to try and avoid color if possible, but a new style is a must. I think #2 & #3 are my faves.

 {Four}Season Passes
Nothing is better in Summertime than season passes to the water park. Mary Grace and I plan to spend most of our summer at my grandparents, enjoying family time, soaking up the sun, and playing at the water park. We are planning to go early next week for a couple of days before leaving for our beach vacation. Fun times!

{Five} Wedding Weekend
A precious young couple in our church is getting married this weekend and we are so excited to get to witness this happy day in their lives. They were on the mission team and I was able to get to know them a bit more through fundraising with them, then we ended up in the same Bible study group. I know it is going to be oh so gorgeous and I am so happy for this sweet couple and the way they not only love each other, but the way they love and serve Jesus. 

That's it for today, lovelies!
Happy Friday!
  photo Signature3.png

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