Monday, July 1

Weekend Shenanigans and Giveaway Winner

Hello Monday!

Another weekend has come to a close. It was a wonderful time spent relaxing, napping, and playing at the park. Let's recap.

MG and I ventured to the Dinosaur Exhibit - sponsored by our local library. I am still kicking myself for not getting a picture.

We were up and on the go. First up a trip to see Grandpa, complete with play time in the mustang {the hubby's race car}. She loved his racing helmet and did not want to take it off. This made me a wee bit nervous as I'm hoping she'll dance, but am afraid she'll follow her Daddy to the races instead ;)
Afterwards we stopped for MG's first ice cream cone and then headed to the park for some play time before heading home.
Look at those curls!

Walking like a big girl

Up and going early for Sunday school and church. After worship it was time for lunch with the family before heading home for that much anticipated Sunday afternoon nap. Mima dropped by for a bit and it was off for more ice cream, play time at the park, followed up with a stroll around the lake.

Staci is the winner of the Southern Charm Designs giveaway. Thanks to everyone who participated!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Until tomorrow dears...

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