Sunday, December 23

Weekend Away At Poppy's

Mary Grace and I had been looking forward to spending a couple of days with my grandparents for some time now. It just seems like life has been so hectic that we haven't been able to get a weekend away. Finally, we were able to clear the calendar, pack our things, and head out for a weekend getaway.

We arrived Friday evening and Mary Grace immediately took to playing with Poppy and Marlene. She opened her Christmas gifts and fell in love with her pink poodle {which we affectionately call Pinky}.

Saturday was Marlene's birthday so she and I headed out for a little shopping and lunch- meanwhile Poppy and Mary Grace stayed home for some bonding time :) Later that evening, us three girls headed out for a very eventful birthday dinner- little Miss wet through her diaper and onto my lap.

{Helping Poppy put a stool together}

Yes, she peed on me in the middle of the restaurant. As I've said before, it isn't always rainbows and sunshine, but its our life and I love it- pee and all :)

Sunday, tuttie and I enjoyed a sweet little service at Marlene's church. She met some of her great aunts and uncles and enjoyed being the center of attention.

Then it was time to head home. We met Granny and PeyPey {hope this pseudonym is okay :)} for a late lunch and last minute Christmas shopping. Upon returning home I was greeted by a nice surprise from my husband- he installed lights underneath the cabinets for me, and he fixed our pantry light. He must have been pretty bored without his girls around ;)

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