Saturday, December 8

Lovey Woes

I'm sad to announce we are having 'lovey woes'.

Let me explain....

Mary Grace loves to chew/suck on her lovey- this is like her blankie/paci all in one. She will shove one of the legs in her mouth and suck on it... sometimes she even gags herself.

This afternoon Nanny J informed me that Mary Grace had put both legs into her mouth and started gagging, but her mouth was so full that she couldn't get them out- so she was starting to choke. Nanny J rushed over to pull the legs out and she then threw up from having gagged herself.

Gross, I know.

So, tonight I sat and performed 'surgery' on all four loveys. I sewed their legs down so she can only suck on the very tip- not enough to choke herself. When I gave her a lovey for bedtime, she immediately started trying to pull the leg up to stuff it in her mouth. To say she was frustrated would be an understatement. Alas, all is not lost- she quickly realized it was useless to suck on the legs, so she opted to stuff the bunny ears in her mouth and fell right to sleep. At least now we don't have to worry about her choking on them.

Oh, the things that come up when you have children.

Never. A. Dull. Moment.

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