Monday, March 19


Unfortunately, I do not have any special items from when I was a baby that I can pass on to Mary Grace. I don't want that to be the case when she has children of her own. So throughout this pregnancy, I've tried to get a few pieces that will become heirlooms for her children and grandchildren.

The first item we picked out was her bassinet. I wanted an antique, but wasn't able to find one in good condition. I stumbled upon THIS bassinet from Pottery Barn that will definitely become a family heirloom piece. I am in love with her bassinet. I decided to go with the chocolate wicker (as opposed to white) and the chocolate piping on the bedding (rather than blue or pink).
Please excuse the wrinkled skirt which is in desperate need of ironing.

My favorite piece is by far the coming home gown I made for Mary Grace. I didn't want to just buy something, I wanted it to be special. The dress will double as her coming home outfit and the dress for her dedication at church. I decided to use a pattern for a smocked day gown that my dear friend, T, used for her daughter's coming home outfit. I cannot even begin to describe how much time and love went into making this dress. There was a time when things were scary and I didn't think I would be able to have her dress made in time. Thankfully, she decided to bake a while longer giving me time to make this special piece.

I'm finishing up the bonnet to go along with the dress. My baby bonnet was pretty neat- it had two stitches that I snipped on my wedding day, which turned my bonnet into my wedding handkerchief. I'm using my bonnet as a pattern to make one similar for Mary Grace, so she too will have that special item on her wedding day.

Bobby's grandmother gave us a wonderful family piece- a small rocking chair that belonged to his great-grandmother. It is the perfect size for Mary Grace to sit in and read books when she gets a little older. 


{Amanda} said...

That's our exact PB Bassinet! LOVE IT and it will be an heirloom's lasted us 3.5 years so far :)

Sylvia Grace said...
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Sylvia Grace said...

We love her bassinet! It's probably our favorite thing we've purchased for her! Definitely something to pass on