Thursday, March 15

36 Week Update

We are officially 36 weeks. We had an appointment today and everything is sailing right along. We had our last ultrasound. So sad. The bright side to this whole ordeal has been seeing our sweet little girl each week on the ultrasound. Little Miss is weighing 7 lbs 7 oz, which is big for a 36 weeker. She's measuring two weeks ahead, so she's the size of a 38 weeker.

The doctor has taken me off the Procardia (medication to stop contractions / preterm labor) and bedrest. I can rejoin the land of the living! If she were to be born now, more than likely we would have a baby we could bring home, rather than her being sent to the NICU.  Now it's just a waiting game. The specialist thinks we will go into labor within a week or so of stopping the medication- he kept telling us we would not make it to April. I guess we'll find out! Little Miss may have  plans of her own and could decide to camp out in the womb a little while longer.

We are so very thankful that we've made it this far! Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us!
Now we just wait for sweet Mary Grace to make her grand entrance into the world!

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