Tuesday, March 20

Babyland: The Nursery Reveal

I could not be happier with how the nursery turned out. We decided to keep the gray walls and go for a more neutral, soothing nursery. I know pink is part of having a little girl, but I'm not a big fan of it, so I went with more grays and creams.  We purchased the furniture, bedding, and a few of the decorative pieces from Woodstock Kids, located in Meridian, MS. Woodstock has always been our go-to place for furniture and accent pieces, and as usual they were unbelievably helpful when it came to outfitting the nursery.

 One of our sweet church friends brought us this cute wreath to hang on the front door.

 Looking in from the doorway.

 Close up of the bedding- the Grace collection from Bananafish.

 Her coming home gown I made for her!

 Looking toward her bathroom. { Notice the bellycast on the floor? :) }

 Her bathroom / linen closet.

 I stumbled upon some cute initial pictures made from button on Etsy. Rather than spending $60+ on one, I made my own for less than $8!
I know it's hard to see, but these are the curtains I made for her.

I am always in her room. I love to go and just sit in there, read stories to her, and dream of the day when she will finally be here!


{Amanda} said...

What a sweet,calm nursery- Mary Grace have a lovely room to lay her head :)

Sylvia Grace said...

Thanks Amanda! I hope she likes it as much as I do! :)