Sunday, January 22


First I want to thank all the prayer warriors who have been sending up prayers on our behalf!

On Monday I was scheduled to retake the glucose test. This time it was a three hour test. I did not pass the first hour, but I did pass the second and third hours which was enough to keep me from being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Praise the Lord! My doctor has instructed me to keep an eye on my diet.

After the glucose test we had an appointment with our doctor. They did an unstrasound to check out sweet Mary Grace. She is still cute as a button and is doing great. She is no longer laying across my belly putting pressure on my kidney, which is a great thing! She's moved into a head down position. The ultrasound tech and the doctor both checked my cervix again and this time it had thinned even more to 2.1 mm.  Very scary! At that point Bobby and I were trying to mentally prepare ourselves in case we ended up having our baby before the 34 week goal. I was put on even stricter bedrest. I know what you're thinking- isn't bedrest strict enough? Well, I just thought I had it tough before, but was now told to lay flat pretty much at all times. Only get up to use the restroom and only sit up to eat.

Monday and Tuesday were very hard days- not just physically, but emotionally.

On Wednesday we had our appointment with Dr. Naef, a specialist in Jackson, MS. Can I just tell you how much we loved him! He is such an awesome doctor! They did an extensive ultrasound on my kidneys. While there was still some fluid on my right kidney, it looked much better than it did during the last check. This is due in part to MG shifting off of it and the medications I've been on to treat the issue. Mary Grace looked great, as always! They even looked for things like cleft lip, etc.. Everything looks great! She's a little porker in that she is measuring a week bigger than we actually are. This is a good thing since they are thinking she may be born early. We were told by the specialist that she would not be an April baby, and instead would more than likely come in March. March 1st is our 34 week goal, so anytime after that is good. He has estimated that even if she comes early in March, she will probably weigh around 7 lbs. 8 oz. How he came up with that weight, I have no idea. He was so thorough and answered all our questions and them some. He assured me that this kidney issue will go away after delivery and it will not end up being something that I will have to deal with for the rest of my life.

But I still haven't shared the best news of all. On Wednesday my cervix had improved a little and had thickened up to 2.9 mm. Dr. Neaf said that the medications I'm on for contractions will often help with cervix issues. I'm giving God the glory for this miracle, not the meds. Can we say answered prayers! I am still on bedrest, but am not required to lay flat 24/7. I can get up and move around, but I cannot be on my feet more than 10 minutes at a time. I can even get out of the house from time to time as long as I take it easy and am not on my feet long. Words cannot express how relieved we are. Not having the fear of going into labor any minute and having our baby born so early has been a huge relief!

We will go back to the specialist at 31 weeks and again at 34 weeks. At the 34 week mark, we will not see him anymore because as he said "If she's born, she's born and she'll be okay." Meanwhile we will continue to see our regular doctor weekly.

Again, thank you to everyone who has called, sent cards and flowers, brought food and gifts, and just stopped by to ease my cabin fever. We have been overwhelmed by such an outpouring of love from our family, church family, and friends! Mary Grace is one lucky little girl to have so many people who love her already!

26.5 weeks

27.6 weeks
She had her hand over her eyes.


Ashley Harrell said...

So happy that you are doing better healthwise! I know that the bedrest must me driving you crazy, I know it would me...but the end product (Mary Grace) will be so worth it! I will continue to pray for you, MG and Bobby! I know we haven't seen each other in a while and that we have never really gotten to spend a lot of time together, but I have always thought fondly of you and wished you the best (Joshua too).
Love you,

P.s. I'm coming home March 8th...tell Mary Grace that I would love to meet her while I'm home!

Sylvia Grace said...

Thank you Ashley! You are so sweet!