Monday, April 20

Tuscaloosa Half Marathon

It's Monday and I've decided that it's time I gave this little blog a little attention. So much has happened in the last month or so- we bought a camper, I ran my second half marathon, we celebrated Bob and MG's birthdays, I tackled my first big retreat as VBS director at church, we went on our first camping trip, started preparing for our move in May.... and so much more!  And that's just the tip of the iceberg! There is even more that I cannot wait to share with you- hopefully in a couple of weeks!

But on to the race. You may remember when I blogged about training to run the Tuscaloosa Half way back in January.

There was a time in my life when I thought it was physically impossible to run a 5K, let alone a half marathon. My sweet friend Libby Lou trained and encouraged me...and before long I was running 10Ks.

Still, it's crazy to think that I have run two half marathons so far.

My running partner, Brother J, and I had a great time running the Tuscaloosa half. The course was flat, scenic, and beautiful! I enjoyed this race much more than the Leo Run. We have already agreed that it's one we want to run each year!

Ready to run!

Finish line!

World's best running partner!

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