Monday, September 23

Fall Bucket List {2013 Edition}

Yesterday marked the first official day of Fall and my happiness level has definitely spiked. As excited as I am, I have managed to control myself and wait until the official start of Fall to decorate and go bananas. To top it off, it even feels like Fall, which, let's face it, for Alabama that's saying something. Usually it's still sweltering, but alas the humidity has given way to gorgeous Fall weather. I am siting with my widow in my office open as I type this. Bliss.

So, here is the James family Fall bucket list. I plan to print if off and check things off as we go.

And no, I did not create this myself {although I wish I were that crafty}. I was spending what seemed liked forever in SAHM time digging for pictures, etc... when I decided to take the easy route and hit up Pinterest. Why reinvent the wheel? Plus, nap time only lasts so long and I have so much on my to-do list.

Happy Fall, Ya'll!

1 comment:

Joy said...

I love the list! I hope to do some of those things as well. And I can solve your pumpkin patch bucket list... I'm having a giveaway for a party for 10 to Lazy Acres in Chunky Mississippi. I know y'all would have fun with friends there!