Saturday, March 16

My Favorite Things

 It has been a while since I've posted one of these. Here's a rundown of my favorites lately.

1. Sunshine
We are loving these warm, sunshiny days! I've made the resolution to spend as much time outdoors as possible- before we know it it will be scorching hot

2. The Noticer
Nanny J recommended this and slipped a copy in MG's diaper bag for me to read. My mother-in-law saw it on my counter and raved about how good it is. I haven't finished it yet, but so far it is amazing. I love how it is set in Orange Beach!

3. Sparkling ICE Water
Oh my goodness- I love this product. These waters are seriously amazing! All natural, zero calories, sugars, carbs, and sodium! Tons of vitamins too! Pink Grapefruit is my favorite. Lemon Lime tastes like a Diet Mountain Dew and the Mango Orange tastes like an Orange Sunkist- but without the regrets!

4. The Bible
If you haven't tuned in, you should. New episodes come on every Sunday night on the History channel. It's a wonderful cinematic portrayal of Biblical events.

Pretty sight on an afternoon walk in the neighborhood

5. Bradford Pears
I'm always happy when those gorgeous white blossoms make their debut.

6. Easter Candy
My faves are Mini Robin Eggs and those Marshmallow Eggs. I can never turn them down.

7. Crawfish

8.  Skin Milk
Pretty sure I've mentioned this product before, but it's worth repeating. I've haven't been able to find this in stores as of late, so I've resorted to ordering it online. It's worth it's weight in gold! Lightweight, non-greasy, but an amazing moisturizer = perfect warm weather lotion.

9. Mary Grace's Easter Dress
I may be a bit obsessed with Janie and Jack as of late. Adorable!

10.  Longer Days
While I dislike how it's dark when I wake up, I so enjoy having more sunshine in the evenings. It gives us time as a family to do more of the things we enjoy.

Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

Oddball Mind said...

Love this... the mini Robin Eggs are my fave too...