Monday, March 15

Wish Us Luck

Tomorrow I'm going to meet a realtor to look at a home (my dear friend chickadee is coming with me for support :) ) I'm very nervous but excited at the same time. Buying a home is a huge decision, but it's something that I've dreamed of since I was a little girl. Our entire marriage we've worked and saved so that one day we could buy or build a home - a place to make memories, raise a family, and spend our lives together. We've sold our current place, so we're running out of time.

Wish us luck!

Just a thought - I hope I haven't jinxed us by asking for luck and posting about it. :)


{Amanda} said...

Girl, this is a great time to be a Buyer! And I'm sure the main issue you'll find is that because the market is over-saturated, you'll have a plethora of options {so take your time to find exactly what you want @ the price point you want it!}

Bon chance! Y'all are going to have a blast =)

Sylvia Grace said...

Thanks! I did look at that house- but I could only see myself there for 5 - 10 years, it just didn't feel like home. We both looked at another home that same day and fell in love! We're hoping they accept our offer! :) Waiting is the worst part!