Saturday, January 3

January's Verse

I've had so many people mention how much they have missed my blog. I'll admit, I've been a horrid blogger lately and my posts are sporadic.

I've been brainstorming things to blog about, and one thing I decided on was a verse for each month. I'm going to make a point of memorizing these, and I hope you'll join along with the fun!

And here it is, the verse for January. I thought it was fitting with the start of a new year. We all seem to love New Years- the idea of getting a fresh, clean start appeals to our imperfect selves. There is something that surpasses a fresh, clean start to a new year- a fresh, clean start to life. And this is possible through faith and an abiding relationship with Jesus. In his letter to the church at Corinth, Paul gives this amazing statement of how faith in Christ can truly change our lives. In Christ, we can become new creations, letting the old pass away and welcoming the new!

Happy New Year!
 photo Signature3.png

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