Saturday, October 18

Newsboys and 24 Hours

The weekend is here and I not-so-secretly kind of want to throw confetti in the air and celebrate that today is Saturday!  Mary Grace is spending the night with her Granny, so we have a full 24 hours all to ourselves.  For those with little ones in tow, you understand full well that 24 hours kid-free is the adult equivalent of Disney World.  Or like winning the lottery.  We're so torn though between wanting to live it up and enjoy the Newsboys concert tonight or hibernate for a solid day.  What to do, what to do?!

In 2.5 years, this will only be our third night without our baby girl. Third. And while I am very much looking forward to an evening full of music and worshiping Jesus with my sweet man, I'm still feeling guilty for leaving my sweet pea!

Unless our old age / parent status hits, we will actually be up past nine o'clock. At a concert no less! Whoop whoop! Maybe we aren't as old as we think... or feel :)

Maybe I'll see you at Praise in the Park tonight! :) 
Happy Saturday, Lovelies!
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